Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay

Friday, March 19, 2010


BEFORE I tell you what has been going on since I last posted, I must tell you that I believe Spring is finally just around the corner  Spring, wonderful spring!  In my garden I see green shoots of annuals showing their heads, even so, the crocuses haven't yet made their appearance, bet you by this time next week though they'll be showing themselves in their finest vivid array of colors.

starlite purple crocus

super white crocus

I am champing at the bit to get out into the garden and clear away the spoils of winter, getting all those leftover dead leaves into the composting bin.  Picking up all those tree branches and twigs up and all of the stray bits of garbage that somehow always seems to show up once the snow melts away. 

I also see vestiges of the tulip leaves making their way to the top, soon, really soon if the weather co-operates and remains in the 60's these will be in bloom in no time.  Ohhhhh I can't wait.  Tulips in my opinion are so versatile and come in hundreds of colors and color combinations as well as varieties as well as sizes and when in bloom are absolutely breathtaking. 

Fringed tulips come in a range of colors and are so very interesting and make a most beautiful bouquet once cut from the garden and taken inside.

  Images courtesy of

More than just crocus and tulips will be showing their colors, there will be snapdragons, and daffodils, as well as narcisis and so much more I simply cannot remember the names of the many flowers than can grow in my weather and show themselves off at this time of year.  While there remain some small patches of dirty snow  which hasn't melted, but these mounds should be gone in another week and then Spring will officially have arrived.   

There is always an insurmountable amount of work to do when the advent of spring appears?  I have this whole week to myself and I will be making the most of it to be certain in and around the gardens, cleaning away all of winters debris and making the area neat and tidy ready for all of those pretties I am so looking forward to seeing. 

I can't wait, can you?  Since you and I are still well above ground, I a, truly thankful for this blessing and  wish you a very FRIENDTASTIC DAY

The task before you is never as great as the Power behind us!


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