Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


OH no, I am blogging from the Library cause I have had a major computer crisis - crash - a BIG OOPS - anyhow as soon as my wonderful computer technician can repair it I will be back.  Today was the day I wanted to share the Pay It Forward Foundation with you, actually Pay It Forward Day is this April 28th and I really would like to do something special for that day in its right, but something that will carry us through the remainder of the year and I cannot do it all by myself.
The whole idea paying it forward stems from the book then the movie and now us the computer generation many of whom are not quilters.  However, we, the Quilting and crafting community are also all doing their share to make this wonderful concept work.  So keep keep checking back here so that I can tell you joyfully that I am sitting at my own computer once again and announce what it is and how it will work with my PAY IT FORWARD DAY on April 28th.  Many, many quilters are taking part in this, so be on the look out for them so that you may learn more about this movement which I believe lately has managed to begin with a Facebook Group.
NOW it is time for the Librarian to end her day and seeing as I am the only one left in the Library I must leave.  But I will be back.

Have a great day everyone.


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